Get Happy on Valentines' Day!!
# CreatetoChill
Here are three thoughts for you on this day of giving.
1. Give yourself some time for self-care by taking Creative Time Daily.
Set aside ten to thirty minutes each day, and just think creatively.
Don’t respond to e-mail,
Don’t read over your to-do list,
Don’t look at social media.
Just think and get your creative juices going.
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2. Give yourself an opportunity to learn something that you can enjoy for the rest of your life. #CreattoChill!
I know that working in the Healthcare field can be stressful whether you are a Nurse, Doctor, Educator, Administrator, Caregiver, Clinical or non-Clinical. It can still be stressful at times.
Aside from working in the non-clinical side of healthcare, I also share my time as a full time care giver for a person with Alzheimer’s that lives with me.
I am sending a Thank you to each and everyone of you for your empathy. Somedays we need to be given the opportunity to take time to learn something new. By our own pace with a little bit of guidance. It takes time and patience to learn something new. Enjoy the process. This is an opportunity to build a course of action into self-care that you will have for the rest of your life. Imagine what your friends and family will say when they see the beauty you have created by leaning how to mix color! Be a part of #CreatetoChill.
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3. Find a Happy Place for yourself!
Sometimes we find ourselves in funks and need quick tools to get us out of “negative landscapes” to set ourselves straight again. For me, it’s thinking about how I was talking to my grandmother while I was painting this painting about her. I had a goal in mind. I wanted to win a Blue Ribbon.
As it turned out, I did. This painting is called “The Talk” I was working at the Art Center where this painting was hanging and one day a group came in from an Assisted Living facility and decided to sit down in front of this painting. They were Alzheimer patients. I was amazed at how they started to talk about their grandmother’s and their lives. Their minds had opened! What an experience. My art had taken me to a happy place and now my art was making a difference in other people’s lives and taking them to a Happy place. I wish that for anyone who wants to explore color mixing.

Download your free Color Mixing guide when you sign up for my website.
Thank you so much, Mary Carroll Allen XXX